Housing Affordability in Transit-Oriented Development | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Reduce costs of housing near transit and amenities |
As More Cities Eliminate Parking Minimums, What Happens Next? | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Reduce costs of housing near transit and amenities |
DFL lawmakers to introduce bill to ban parking minimums statewide | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Reduce costs of housing near transit and amenities |
Transit-Oriented Development | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Reduce costs of housing near transit and amenities |
Primer-Public-Helath Affordable Housing | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Reduce costs of housing near transit and amenities |
Transit-Oriented Neighborhoods will save energy – it’s their density | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Reduce costs of housing near transit and amenities |
Leveraging Underused Transit Properties Could Produce More Affordable Housing | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Reduce costs of housing near transit and amenities |
Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Reduce costs of housing near transit and amenities |
What is a Housing Needs Assessment and How Do You Use It? | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Identify housing needs through planning |
Establishing Goals and Monitoring Progress | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Identify housing needs through planning |
Housing Implementation Pipeline | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Identify housing needs through planning |
Community Development ARC | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Identify housing needs through planning |
How to Address Affordable Housing Through Comprehensive Planning | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Identify housing needs through planning |
Decatur Housing Summit | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Form committees and work groups for housing |
Miami-Dade hosted a summit on affordable housing | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Form committees and work groups for housing |
Affordable Housing Task Force | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Form committees and work groups for housing |
Cheyenne Affordable Housing Task Force Releases Housing Affordability Recommendations | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Form committees and work groups for housing |
ARC’s Local Leadership Housing Action Committee | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Support local leaders through regional education programs |
Regional Housing Task Force ARC | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Support local leaders through regional education programs |
Georgia Initiative for Community Housing (GICH) | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Support local leaders through regional education programs |
Engaging the community in development of a local housing strategy | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Lead and partner for affordable and equitable housing |
Faith-based Development Initiative | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Lead and partner for affordable and equitable housing |
Housing for Equity and Inclusion | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Lead and partner for affordable and equitable housing |
What is Housing Equity? | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Lead and partner for affordable and equitable housing |
Rethinking How TIFs Work: Innovative Financing Tool Addresses Blight to Boost Affordable Housing – Urban Land Magazine | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Co-Living Could Unlock Office-to-Residential Conversions | The Pew Charitable Trusts | Promote Housing Stability | Establish housing stability policies & programs |
State and Local Housing Trust Funds | Expand Capital Resources | Establish local housing funding resources and programs |
Use of Publicly Owned Property for affordable housing | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Increase walkability |
How 10 Communities are Planning to Get More Walkable, Connected and Livable | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Increase walkability |
Redefining Walkability | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Increase walkability |
Have we zoned great, walkable places out of existence? | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Increase walkability |
UrbanPlan for Public Officials and Community Members | Develop Leadership & Collaboration on Affordability | Support local leaders through regional education programs |
Housing Policy Guide | Increase Supply | Identify areas appropriate for higher density |
What is Missing Middle Housing? | Increase Supply | Identify areas appropriate for higher density |
Balancing Housing Supply and the Risk of Displacement | Increase Supply | Identify areas appropriate for higher density |
It’s Unanimous: Columbus Approves Density-Friendly Zoning Changes | Increase Supply | Identify areas appropriate for higher density |
Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook | Increase Supply | Identify areas appropriate for higher density |
Incentives – Inclusionary Housing | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
How Communities are Rethinking Zoning to Improve Housing Affordability | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
Expedited permitting and review policies encourage affordable development | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
Reduced or waived fees for qualifying projects | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
Expedited permitting for qualifying projects | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
How TIFs can be used for affordable housing | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
The Promising Results of Accessory Dwelling Unit Reform | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
ADU Design Competition | Increase Supply | Support smaller homes and ownership opportunities |
Allow More and Different Types of Housing | Increase Supply | Support smaller homes and ownership opportunities |
Missing Middle Housing | Increase Supply | Support smaller homes and ownership opportunities |
Structural Change: 3C Initiative Promotes Housing Affordability and Racial Equity in Five U.S. Cities | Increase Supply | Support smaller homes and ownership opportunities |
Building the Future: Innovations in State and Local Policies to Boost Housing Supply | Increase Supply | Support smaller homes and ownership opportunities |
Four Ways to Boost ADU Production | Increase Supply | Support smaller homes and ownership opportunities |
Innovative solutions: Atlanta unveils shipping containers converted to affordable housing | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
25 Innovative Solutions to the Housing Affordability Crisis | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
Fresh ideas to increase housing supply | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
Repurposing Underutilized Strip Malls to Create Multifamily Housing | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
Housing and Historic Preservation | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
City looks to train, grow new developers to target affordable housing | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
Zoning Changes and Housing Choices | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
Home Economics: How Manufactured Housing Can Help Solve the National Housing Affordability Crisis | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
Land Banks and Community Land Trusts Partner to Unlock Affordable Housing Opportunities | Increase Supply | Establish new or partner with existing housing entities |
Public Housing and City Partnerships: How Collaboration Can Lead to Development | Increase Supply | Establish new or partner with existing housing entities |
Facilitating Collaboration Between Cities and Counties | Increase Supply | Establish new or partner with existing housing entities |
National Housing Preservation Database | Preserve Affordable Supply | Inventory affordable housing stock |
Preservation inventories | Preserve Affordable Supply | Inventory affordable housing stock |
Preservation and eviction prevention | Preserve Affordable Supply | Connect property owners with resources |
Housing Preservation Fund | Preserve Affordable Supply | Connect property owners with resources |
Landlord Engagement Toolkit | Preserve Affordable Supply | Connect property owners with resources |
Preservation Equity | Preserve Affordable Supply | Create preservation programs and partnerships |
City of Chicago: Woodlawn Housing Preservation Ordinance | Preserve Affordable Supply | Create preservation programs and partnerships |
Marrying affordability, good design, and preservation | Preserve Affordable Supply | Create preservation programs and partnerships |
Models for Affordable Housing Preservation | Preserve Affordable Supply | Create preservation programs and partnerships |
Funding Sources Inventory | Preserve Affordable Supply | Leverage funding resources for preservation |
Federal Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit | Preserve Affordable Supply | Leverage funding resources for preservation |
Affordable Rental Housing Preservation: Policies and Funding Strategies | Preserve Affordable Supply | Leverage funding resources for preservation |
Blight remediation in the Southeast | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Giving Tenants the First Opportunity to Purchase Their Homes | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
DC’s Robust Tenant Laws Allowing Local Land Trust to Gorw Quickly | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
A Bid for Affordability: Notes from an Ambitious Housing Experiment in Cincinnati | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Home Improvement Program City of Boise | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Housing Rehabilitation City of Marietta | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Community Developement Block Grants (CDBG) | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Mapping Neighborhoods with the Highest Risk of Housing Instability and Homelessness | Promote Housing Stability | Identify and educate on housing instability |
Renter Cost-Burden Shares Remain High | Promote Housing Stability | Identify and educate on housing instability |
Income Inequality by Race: Widening Concern(s)? | Promote Housing Stability | Identify and educate on housing instability |
Local Governments Prioritizing Housing Stability Led Cities and Towns from Pandemic Front Lines to Strong and Equitable Revovery | Promote Housing Stability | Identify and educate on housing instability |
Landlord Participation Study | Promote Housing Stability | Identify and educate on housing instability |
Reduce poverty by improving housing stability | Promote Housing Stability | Identify and educate on housing instability |
Student Homelessness in America | Promote Housing Stability | Identify and educate on housing instability |
Home Preservation: Habit for Humanity’s home repair | Promote Housing Stability | Establish housing stability policies & programs |
Energy Assistance for Savings and Efficiency (EASE) | Promote Housing Stability | Establish housing stability policies & programs |
How lower-income Atlantans can get up to $7,000 in rental assistance | Promote Housing Stability | Establish housing stability policies & programs |
What is a Homestead Tax Exemption? | Promote Housing Stability | Establish housing stability policies & programs |
Coliving: A Nontraditional Affordable Housing Option | Promote Housing Stability | Establish housing stability policies & programs |
MTAP Accessory Dwelling-Unit Best Practices ADU 2024 | Promote Housing Stability | Establish housing stability policies & programs |
The Surprising Project Range of Historic Tax Credit | Promote Housing Stability | Connect to resources and establish partnerships |
Ensuring Long-Term and Stable Affordability With Community Land Banks and Trusts | Promote Housing Stability | Connect to resources and establish partnerships |
Perspectives on Rent Control, Eviction Moratoriums, and Other Contemporary Approaches | Promote Housing Stability | Connect to resources and establish partnerships |
Breaking Down Barriers: Promising Programs and Initiatives to Reduce Evictions | Promote Housing Stability | Reduce evictions and homelessness |
What Can (and Can’t) Local Governments Do to Address Homelessness? | Promote Housing Stability | Reduce evictions and homelessness |
Evidence-Behind-Approaches-That-End-Homelessness-Brief-2019 | Promote Housing Stability | Reduce evictions and homelessness |
Housing Trust Funds | Expand Capital Resources | Establish local housing funding resources and programs |
Dedicated revenue sources | Expand Capital Resources | Establish local housing funding resources and programs |
Ten Actions Cities Can Take to Improve Housing Affordability | Expand Capital Resources | Establish local housing funding resources and programs |
TAD funding for affordable housing near Beltline could get a boost | Expand Capital Resources | Establish local housing funding resources and programs |
Directory of Development Financing Sources | Expand Capital Resources | Identify regional funding mechanisms |
Financing Affordable Housing with the LIHTC | Expand Capital Resources | Identify regional funding mechanisms |
Affordable Housing How-To Guide | Expand Capital Resources | Identify regional funding mechanisms |
Revolving Loan Fund | Expand Capital Resources | Identify regional funding mechanisms |
Community Land Trusts: A Guide for Local Governments | Expand Capital Resources | Establish new programs and partnerships |
Five Ways Local Governments Can Spur Development of Affordable Housing | Expand Capital Resources | Establish new programs and partnerships |
Encouraging walkable mixed-use development | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Increase walkability |
Seven Innovative Affordable Housing Strategies in Higher Cost Markets: Lessons from Around the U.S. | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Increase walkability |
Policy Primer: Tax Incentives to Encourage Affordable Housing Development | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Incentivize or mandate affordability near transit and jobs |
Inclusionary Housing: Resources for Inclusionary Zoning Programs, Policies and Practice | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Incentivize or mandate affordability near transit and jobs |
The Economics of Inclusionary Development | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Incentivize or mandate affordability near transit and jobs |
Strategies to Promote Equitable Transit-Oriented Development | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Reduce costs of housing near transit and amenities |
Use of publicly owned property for affordable housing | Reduce Housing & Transportation Costs | Reduce costs of housing near transit and amenities |