TitleStrategyAction Step
Affordable Housing How-To GuideExpand Capital ResourcesIdentify state and regional funding mechanisms
Community Land Trusts: A Guide for Local GovernmentsExpand Capital ResourcesEstablish new programs and partnerships
DCA Resources Across the Housing ContinuumExpand Capital ResourcesIdentify state and regional funding mechanisms
Dedicated revenue sourcesExpand Capital ResourcesEstablish local housing funding resources and programs
Directory of Development Financing SourcesExpand Capital ResourcesIdentify state and regional funding mechanisms
Financing Affordable Housing with the LIHTCExpand Capital ResourcesIdentify state and regional funding mechanisms
Five Ways Local Governments Can Spur Development of Affordable HousingExpand Capital ResourcesEstablish new programs and partnerships
Housing Trust FundsExpand Capital ResourcesEstablish local housing funding resources and programs
Revolving Loan FundExpand Capital ResourcesIdentify state and regional funding mechanisms
Solving the Housing Puzzle: EDDs as Regional Housing ChangemakersExpand Capital ResourcesEstablish local housing funding resources and programs
State and Local Housing Trust FundsExpand Capital ResourcesEstablish local housing funding resources and programs
TAD funding for affordable housing near Beltline could get a boostExpand Capital ResourcesEstablish local housing funding resources and programs
Ten Actions Cities Can Take to Improve Housing AffordabilityExpand Capital ResourcesEstablish local housing funding resources and programs
The Emerging Spectrum of Government-Led and Publicly-Owned Housing Development ModelsExpand Capital ResourcesEstablish new programs and partnerships
What Policymakers Need to Know About New and Evolving Publicly-Driven Development Models in the U.S.Expand Capital ResourcesEstablish new programs and partnerships