Title | Strategy | Action Step |
Affordable Housing How-To Guide | Expand Capital Resources | Identify state and regional funding mechanisms |
Community Land Trusts: A Guide for Local Governments | Expand Capital Resources | Establish new programs and partnerships |
DCA Resources Across the Housing Continuum | Expand Capital Resources | Identify state and regional funding mechanisms |
Dedicated revenue sources | Expand Capital Resources | Establish local housing funding resources and programs |
Directory of Development Financing Sources | Expand Capital Resources | Identify state and regional funding mechanisms |
Financing Affordable Housing with the LIHTC | Expand Capital Resources | Identify state and regional funding mechanisms |
Five Ways Local Governments Can Spur Development of Affordable Housing | Expand Capital Resources | Establish new programs and partnerships |
Housing Trust Funds | Expand Capital Resources | Establish local housing funding resources and programs |
Revolving Loan Fund | Expand Capital Resources | Identify state and regional funding mechanisms |
Solving the Housing Puzzle: EDDs as Regional Housing Changemakers | Expand Capital Resources | Establish local housing funding resources and programs |
State and Local Housing Trust Funds | Expand Capital Resources | Establish local housing funding resources and programs |
TAD funding for affordable housing near Beltline could get a boost | Expand Capital Resources | Establish local housing funding resources and programs |
Ten Actions Cities Can Take to Improve Housing Affordability | Expand Capital Resources | Establish local housing funding resources and programs |
The Emerging Spectrum of Government-Led and Publicly-Owned Housing Development Models | Expand Capital Resources | Establish new programs and partnerships |
What Policymakers Need to Know About New and Evolving Publicly-Driven Development Models in the U.S. | Expand Capital Resources | Establish new programs and partnerships |