25 Innovative Solutions to the Housing Affordability Crisis | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
ADU Design Competition | Increase Supply | Support smaller homes and ownership opportunities |
Allow More and Different Types of Housing | Increase Supply | Support smaller homes and ownership opportunities |
Balancing Housing Supply and the Risk of Displacement | Increase Supply | Identify areas appropriate for higher density |
Building the Future: Innovations in State and Local Policies to Boost Housing Supply | Increase Supply | Support smaller homes and ownership opportunities |
City looks to train, grow new developers to target affordable housing | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
Encourage Infill Development | Increase Supply | Identify areas appropriate for higher density |
Expedited permitting and review policies encourage affordable development | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
Expedited permitting for qualifying projects | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
Facilitating Collaboration Between Cities and Counties | Increase Supply | Establish new or partner with existing housing entities |
Four Ways to Boost ADU Production | Increase Supply | Support smaller homes and ownership opportunities |
Fresh ideas to increase housing supply | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
Home Economics: How Manufactured Housing Can Help Solve the National Housing Affordability Crisis | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
Housing and Historic Preservation | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook | Increase Supply | Identify areas appropriate for higher density |
How Communities are Rethinking Zoning to Improve Housing Affordability | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
How TIFs can be used for affordable housing | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
Incentives – Inclusionary Housing | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
Infill Development Supports Community Connectivity | Increase Supply | Identify areas appropriate for higher density |
Innovative solutions: Atlanta unveils shipping containers converted to affordable housing | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
It’s Unanimous: Columbus Approves Density-Friendly Zoning Changes | Increase Supply | Identify areas appropriate for higher density |
Land Banks and Community Land Trusts Partner to Unlock Affordable Housing Opportunities | Increase Supply | Establish new or partner with existing housing entities |
Missing Middle Housing | Increase Supply | Support smaller homes and ownership opportunities |
Public Housing and City Partnerships: How Collaboration Can Lead to Development | Increase Supply | Establish new or partner with existing housing entities |
Reduced or waived fees for qualifying projects | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
Repurposing Underutilized Strip Malls to Create Multifamily Housing | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |
Structural Change: 3C Initiative Promotes Housing Affordability and Racial Equity in Five U.S. Cities | Increase Supply | Support smaller homes and ownership opportunities |
The Promising Results of Accessory Dwelling Unit Reform | Increase Supply | Mandate and incentivize affordable housing development |
Transit Oriented Development | Increase Supply | Identify areas appropriate for higher density |
What is Missing Middle Housing? | Increase Supply | Identify areas appropriate for higher density |
Zoning Changes and Housing Choices | Increase Supply | Allow innovative housing types |