Title | Strategy | Action Step |
A Bid for Affordability: Notes from an Ambitious Housing Experiment in Cincinnati | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Affordable Rental Housing Preservation: Policies and Funding Strategies | Preserve Affordable Supply | Leverage funding resources for preservation |
Blight remediation in the Southeast | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Center for Community Progress Technical Assistance | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
City of Chicago: Woodlawn Housing Preservation Ordinance | Preserve Affordable Supply | Create preservation programs and partnerships |
City of Cleveland Property Inventory 2023 | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Community Developement Block Grants (CDBG) | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
DC’s Robust Tenant Laws Allowing Local Land Trust to Gorw Quickly | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Federal Rehabilitation Investment Tax Credit | Preserve Affordable Supply | Leverage funding resources for preservation |
Funding Sources Inventory | Preserve Affordable Supply | Leverage funding resources for preservation |
GA Cities Blight Redevelopment Toolkit | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Giving Tenants the First Opportunity to Purchase Their Homes | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Home Improvement Program City of Boise | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Housing Preservation Fund | Preserve Affordable Supply | Connect property owners with resources |
Housing Rehabilitation City of Marietta | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |
Landlord Engagement Toolkit | Preserve Affordable Supply | Connect property owners with resources |
Marrying affordability, good design, and preservation | Preserve Affordable Supply | Create preservation programs and partnerships |
Models for Affordable Housing Preservation | Preserve Affordable Supply | Create preservation programs and partnerships |
National Housing Preservation Database | Preserve Affordable Supply | Inventory affordable housing stock |
Preservation and eviction prevention | Preserve Affordable Supply | Connect property owners with resources |
Preservation Equity | Preserve Affordable Supply | Create preservation programs and partnerships |
Preservation inventories | Preserve Affordable Supply | Inventory affordable housing stock |
Rethinking How TIFs Work: Innovative Financing Tool Addresses Blight to Boost Affordable Housing – Urban Land Magazine | Preserve Affordable Supply | Address blight |